Liga 1
Romanian Soccer  Cauta in Romanian Soccer
Romanian Soccer
Nationala Romaniei



UK Anglia:Premier League


Clasament Premier League


Clasament Championship


IT Italia: Serie A


Clasament Serie A Italia


Clasament Serie B Italia


SP Spain:Primera División


Clasament Primera Division


DE Germania: Bundesliga


Clasament Bundesliga


Clasament Zweite Bundesliga


FR Franta: Ligue 1


Clasament Ligue 1


PO Portugalia: Liga Sagres


Clasament Portugalia


OL Olanda: Eredivisie


Clasament Olanda


BE Belgia: Jupiler League


Clasament Belgia


TU Turcia: Süper Lig


Clasament Turcia


GR Grecia:Ethniki Katigoria


RU Rusia: Premier League


Clasament Rusia


UC Ucraina: Vyscha Liga


ball America de Sud


ball Africa


Cupa Africii pe Natiuni


ball Asia


Football players

Image Player's name Player's birthdate Player's field position
Adrian Ion GHEORGHIU Adrian Ion GHEORGHIU 1981-11-30 mijlocaş dreapta
Vasile ZAVODA Vasile ZAVODA 1929-07-26 fundaş dreapta
Emil Gabriel JULA Emil Gabriel JULA 1980-01-03 atacant
Fábio Farroco BRAGA Fábio Farroco BRAGA 1992-09-06 mijlocaş defensiv
Mircea PETESCU Mircea PETESCU 1942-05-15 fundaş central
Aleksandar ŠUŠNJAR Aleksandar ŠUŠNJAR 1995-08-19 fundaş central
Michael KLEIN Michael KLEIN 1959-10-10 fundaş stânga
Kévin Ramon RIMANE Kévin Ramon RIMANE 1991-02-23 fundaş central
Radu Matei DRĂGUȘIN Radu Matei DRĂGUȘIN 2002-02-03 fundaş central
Răzvan Gabriel PETRARIU Răzvan Gabriel PETRARIU 1995-03-27 portar

Here you can find personal and professional details of almost every football player who performed in Romania in the last 70 years

Decizia ONJN nr.860/28.04.2016, Licenta: L2160797Y000396