'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
15:00 |
Stadium: |
"Dan Păltinișan" |
City: |
Timișoara |
Referee: |
Ionică Serea (Focșani) |
Attendance: |
12.000 |
Stelian Gherman |
(1-5-3-2) |
( 1-3-5-2 ) |
Mircea Rednic |
Andrian Bogdan |
- |
- |
Emilian Ioan Dolha
Aurelian Dumitru |
 66' |
- |
Nicolae Constantin |
Andrei Călin Zanc |
- |
- |
Vasile Maftei |
Ionuț Angheluță |
- |
- |
Dănuț Perjă |
George Șoltuz |
- |
- |
Valentin Emanoil Bădoi |
Ilie Poenaru |
- |
- |
Robert Ilyeș |
Romulus Adrian Buia (Cap) |
- |
85'  |
Roberto Bisconti |
Mihai Marius Nicolae |
- |
92'  |
Emmanuel Godfroid |
Constantin Romeo Stancu |
- |
- |
Florin Costin Șoavă |
Cristian Radu Silvășan |
- |
- |
Daniel George Niculae |
Mircea Vasile Oprea |
- |
90'  |
Florin Daniel Bratu |
Ciprian Cornel Prodan |
 66' |
85'  |
Nicolae Grigore |
- |
90'  |
Henry Olufosoye Makinwa |
- |
92'  |
Ionuț Voicu |
Cristian Radu Silvășan |
 44' |
1 - 0 |
- |
- |
1 - 1 |
47'  |
Emmanuel Godfroid |
- |
1 - 2 |
79'  |
Robert Ilyeș |
- |
1 - 3 |
81'  |
Florin Daniel Bratu |
- |
- |
81'  |
Emmanuel Godfroid |
- |
- |
85'  |
Valentin Emanoil Bădoi |
In the first match of the 19th leg of the Division A, Rapid București, playing away, won 3-1 against Politehnica AEK Timișoara. Leader Rapid earned their first victory this return season. In turn, Poli AEK have not gathered a single point in the four legs played so far. Cristian Silvășan, who speculated on a mistake by goalkeeper Dolha, scored Poli's first point on the verge of the recess. Godfroid equaled the score very early in the second half (47), and Robert Ilyeș put the guest team ahead 11 minutes before the end of regular time. Florin Bratu followed suit nine minutes later, establishing the final score, 3-1 for Rapid. After the match, Politehnica's coach Stelian Gherman announced his stepping down. Poli, which ranks 14th, next to bottom, with 22 points, hasn't won a single point in the last seven rounds. The defeat was Politehnica's seventh consecutive, leaving them third bottom in the table, and immediately after the game coach Stelian Gherman announced his resignation. |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
16:00 |
Stadium: |
"Tineretului" |
City: |
Brașov |
Referee: |
Aurelian Simion (Pitești) |
Attendance: |
3.000 |
Marius Lăcătuș |
( 1-3-5-2 ) |
( 1-3-5-1-1 ) |
Remus Vlad |
Ibrahim Dossey
- |
- |
Costel Câmpeanu |
Bogdan Gheorghe Nicolae |
- |
- |
Sergiu Viorel Ioan Costin |
Cosmin Bodea (Cap) |
 30' |
- |
Horațiu Daniel Cioloboc |
Marius Constantin |
- |
- |
Vasile Ilie Jula |
Mircea Valerică Stan |
- |
- |
Sergiu Sebastian Mândrean |
Daniel Ionuț Isăilă |
- |
92'  |
Alin Minteuan |
Robert Barna Dani |
 61' |
- |
Dorian Constantin Arbănaș
Mihai Stere |
 71' |
- |
Adrian Valentin Velcea |
Claudiu Ovidiu Sărmășan |
- |
78'  |
Ion Romică Ceaușu |
Nicolae Florin Iorga |
- |
- |
Cristian Ambrozie Coroian (Cap) |
Mugurel Mihai Buga |
- |
80'  |
Adrian Anca |
György Balint |
 30' |
78'  |
Alin Valer Rus |
Dos Santos Itamar |
 61' |
80'  |
Lucian Iulian Sânmărtean |
Daniel Marius Onofraș |
 71' |
92'  |
Vasile Prodan |
- |
0 - 1 |
62'  |
Cristian Ambrozie Coroian
György Balint |
 42' |
38'  |
Robert Barna Dani |
 43' |
48'  |
Vasile Ilie Jula |
Dos Santos Itamar |
 79' |
60'  |
Dorian Constantin Arbănaș |
67'  |
Cristian Ambrozie Coroian |
89'  |
Lucian Iulian Sânmărtean |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
16:00 |
Stadium: |
"Oțelul" |
City: |
Galați |
Referee: |
Gheorghe Farcaș (Târgu-Mureș) |
Attendance: |
8.000 |
Costel Orac |
( 1-5-3-2 ) |
( 1-4-4-2 ) |
Walter Zenga |
Alexandru Ioan Iliuciuc |
- |
- |
Bogdan Argeș Vintilă |
Adrian Toma |
 93' |
- |
Cornel Buta
Cosmin Nicolae Mărginean |
- |
- |
Tiberiu Cristian Curt |
Cătălin Tofan (Cap) |
- |
81'  |
Ioan Leonard Nemțanu |
Tudorel Pelin |
- |
- |
Petre Marin (Cap) |
Gheorghe Bar |
- |
73'  |
Adrian Olah |
Ionuț Badea |
- |
- |
Ovidiu Petre |
Viorel Tănase |
- |
62'  |
Albert Duro |
Cornel Flaviu Cornea |
 70' |
- |
Gigel Coman |
Dănuț Stelian Oprea |
- |
- |
Slaviša Mitrović |
Mihai Guriță |
 87' |
- |
Sergiu Marian Radu
Marlin Piana |
 70' |
62'  |
Gabriel Gheorghe Caramarin |
André Vieira |
 87' |
73'  |
Robert Ghindeanu |
Mircea Minescu |
 93' |
81'  |
Victoraș Constantin Iacob |
Gigel Coman (own goal) |
 01' |
1 - 0 |
- |
- |
1 - 1 |
19'  |
Gigel Coman |
Dănuț Stelian Oprea (penalty) |
 58' |
2 - 1 |
- |
Cosmin Nicolae Mărginean |
 37' |
38'  |
Cornel Buta |
Dănuț Stelian Oprea |
 59' |
84'  |
Slaviša Mitrović |
Alexandru Ioan Iliuciuc |
 94' |
- |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
16:00 |
Stadium: |
"Regie" |
City: |
București |
Referee: |
Sorin Corpodean (Alba-Iulia) |
Attendance: |
1.000 |
Cezar Zamfir (new) |
(1-4-3-1-2 ) |
(1-4-4-1-1 ) |
Radu Nunweiller |
Răzvan Marian Stanca |
- |
- |
Daniel Jean Bogdan |
Ștefănel Răzvan Farmache |
- |
- |
Cristian Panin |
George Daniel Galamaz |
- |
- |
Adrian Baldovin |
Constantin Secăreanu |
- |
- |
Ciprian Luca |
Liviu Nicolae Rusu |
- |
- |
Ovidiu Panaitescu |
Stelian Stancu |
 61' |
- |
Ioan Adrian Drida |
Costin Lazăr |
 83' |
- |
Radu Leon Mărginean |
Romeo Pădureț
- |
- |
Norbert Varga |
Laurențiu Nicolae Diniță (Cap) |
- |
- |
Roland Nagy (Cap) |
Octavian Chihaia |
 73' |
46'  |
Marius Popescu |
Ionuț Costinel Mazilu |
- |
90'  |
Jeremie Njock |
Cristian Irimia |
 61' |
46'  |
Petruș Manta |
Gheorghe Bucur |
 73' |
90'  |
Sorin Botiș |
Valentin Negru |
 83' |
- |
Ștefănel Răzvan Farmache |
 61' |
11'  |
Cristian Panin |
George Daniel Galamaz |
 93' |
58'  |
Roland Nagy |
- |
- |
89'  |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
17:00 |
Stadium: |
"Astra" |
City: |
Ploiești |
Referee: |
Florin Chivulete (București) |
Attendance: |
2.500 |
Florin Marin |
(1-5-3-2 ) |
(1-5-3-2 ) |
Ilie Dumitrescu |
Marius Bratu |
- |
- |
Florin Prunea |
Cornel Dobre |
- |
- |
Corneliu Codreanu |
Lucian Mihai Dobre |
- |
- |
Eugen Cătălin Baciu |
Cornel Mihart (Cap) |
- |
- |
Radu Eduard Ciobanu (Cap) |
Georgel Ciprian Toporan
- |
- |
Iulian Ilie Miu |
Giani Liviu Negoiță |
- |
- |
Valeriu Ionuț Bordeanu |
Cristian Crăciun |
 80' |
56'  |
Nivaldo Vieira Lima |
Ciprian Danciu |
 85' |
- |
Mugur Cristian Bolohan |
Dinu Marius Todoran |
- |
69'  |
Narcis Claudiu Răducan |
Daniel Ștefan Costescu |
- |
- |
Cătălin Marcel Cursaru |
Valentin Mihai Dăscălescu |
 63' |
86'  |
Cristian Ciocoiu |
László Borbely
 63' |
56'  |
Florin Lucian Petcu |
Vasile Ghindaru |
 80' |
69'  |
Dragoș Adrian Pitu |
Emil Gavril Dăncuș |
 85' |
86'  |
Florin Lovin |
Ciprian Danciu |
 08' |
1 - 0 |
- |
Daniel Ștefan Costescu |
 81' |
2 - 0 |
- |
Marius Bratu |
 64' |
47'  |
Nivaldo Vieira Lima |
- |
- |
80'  |
Florin Lucian Petcu |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
16:00 |
Stadium: |
"Gheorghe Hagi" |
City: |
Constanța |
Referee: |
Sorin Altmayer (Timișoara) |
Attendance: |
4.000 |
Ion Marin |
( 1-5-3-2 ) |
( 1-5-3-2 ) |
Viorel Hizo |
George Curcă |
- |
- |
Ioan Lucian Covrig |
Ionuț Bălan |
- |
- |
Marian Iordache Purică |
Ion Barbu (Cap) |
 62' |
52'  |
Angelo Dumitru Alistar |
Cristian Șchiopu |
- |
- |
Mihai Dan Ionescu |
Cosmin Mihai Pașcovici |
- |
- |
Cristian Cipran Lupuț |
Adrian Senin |
- |
20'  |
Ștefan Codruț Domșa |
Ionuț Bădescu |
-' |
- |
Sergiu Brujan |
Ianis Alin Zicu |
 73' |
46'  |
Dumitru Botez |
George Liviu Ușurelu |
- |
- |
Adrian Constantin Solomon |
Cosmin Chirea |
 78' |
- |
Mihai Nemțanu |
Liviu Mihai |
- |
- |
Florin Vasile Axinia (Cap) |
Daniel George Munteanu |
 62' |
20'  |
Florin Gheorghe Nohai |
Vasilică Cristocea |
 73' |
46'  |
Tiberiu Șerban |
Ousmane Thiandoum |
 78' |
52'  |
Nicolae Dorin Goian |
Liviu Mihai |
 07' |
1 - 0 |
Ion Barbu |
 16' |
2 - 0 |
Ianis Alin Zicu |
 33' |
3 - 0 |
- |
- |
3 - 1 |
82'  |
Tiberiu Șerban |
- |
3 - 2 |
84'  |
Mihai Dan Ionescu |
Vasilică Cristocea |
 88' |
4 - 2 |
- |
Ion Barbu |
 40' |
- |
- |
Cosmin Chirea |
 56' |
- |
- |
George Liviu Ușurelu |
 68' |
- |
- |
Ianis Alin Zicu |
 73' |
- |
- |
George Liviu Ușurelu |
 89' |
- |
- |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
22 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
17:00 |
Stadium: |
"Ion Oblemenco" |
City: |
Craiova |
Referee: |
Viorel Anghelinei (Galați) |
Attendance: |
4.000 |
Sorin Cârțu |
( 1-3-4-2-1 ) |
( 1-4-5-1) |
Ion Moldovan |
Adnan Guso |
- |
- |
Ștefan Gabriel Preda |
Mariko Daouda |
- |
- |
Tănase Tinel Petre |
Daniel Dunăreanu |
- |
- |
Raul Paul Marincău |
Ionuț Alin Rada |
- |
- |
Dragoș Radu |
Alin Vigariu |
- |
- |
Ioan Cristian Dancia |
Cătălin Petre Crăciunescu |
- |
83'  |
Marius Ioan Bilașco |
Zeno Marius Bundea |
- |
- |
Cristian Bălașa (Cap)
Romulus Miclea |
 46' |
- |
Nicolae Marius Dică |
Marius Sava (Cap) |
 60' |
- |
Iulian Crivac |
Ion Ionuț Luțu |
-' |
- |
Dorin Constantin Semeghin |
Bobby Gheorghiță Verdeș |
 72' |
- |
Ion Vlădoiu |
Daniel McBreen |
 46' |
83'  |
Adrian Dragoș Iordache |
Ovidiu Stoianof |
 60' |
- |
Ionuț Cristian Savu |
 72' |
- |
Ionuț Alin Rada |
 04' |
10'  |
Iulian Crivac |
Zeno Marius Bundea |
 17' |
47'  |
Ion Vlădoiu |
Daniel Dunăreanu |
 21' |
76'  |
Nicolae Marius Dică |
Ion Ionuț Luțu |
 83' |
92'  |
Raul Paul Marincău
Alin Vigariu |
 86' |
- |
Universitatea Craiova and FC Argeș tied 0-0, the sixth game in succession that Universitatea netted no goal. They only gathered three points this half-season in ties against FCM Bacău, Steaua and FC Argeș. |
'Round 19 |
Date: |
23 March 2003 |
Kick-off: |
20:00 |
Stadium: |
"Dinamo" |
City: |
București |
Referee: |
Marian Salomir (Cluj-Napoca) |
Attendance: |
15.000 |
Ioan Andone -new- |
( 1-3-5-2 ) |
( 1-4-4-2 ) |
Victor Pițurcă |
Cristian Marian Munteanu (Cap) |
- |
- |
Martin Gheorghe Tudor |
Giani Stelian Kiriță |
- |
71'  |
Florentin Dumitru |
Ovidiu Nicușor Burcă |
- |
- |
Valeriu Răchită |
Gabriel Tamaș |
- |
- |
Mirel Matei Rădoi (Cap) |
Flavius Vladimir Stoican |
- |
- |
Pompiliu Sorin Stoica |
Ștefan Costel Grigorie |
 66' |
- |
Eugen Trică |
Dan Alexa |
- |
- |
Sorin Ioan Paraschiv |
Vlad Munteanu |
 56' |
77'  |
Marian Aliuță |
Cornel Dănuț Frăsineanu |
- |
- |
Gabriel Boștină |
Cosmin Bărcăuan |
- |
87'  |
Daniel Ionel Oprița |
Ionel Daniel Dănciulescu |
 69' |
- |
Claudiu Nicu Răducanu |
Viorel Domocoș |
 56' |
71'  |
George Cristian Ogăraru |
Iulian Tameș |
 66' |
77'  |
Ngassam Nana Falemi |
Claudiu Drăgan |
 69' |
87'  |
Daniel Orac |
- |
0 - 1 |
05'  |
Ionel Daniel Dănciulescu (penalty) |
 33' |
1 - 1 |
- |
1 - 2 |
45'  |
Gabriel Boștină |
- |
1 - 3 |
55'  |
Marian Aliuță |
Gabriel Tamaș |
 91' |
2 - 3 |
- |
- |
2 - 4 |
93'  |
Claudiu Nicu Răducanu |
Cornel Dănuț Frăsineanu |
 38' |
17'  |
Marian Aliuță |
Cosmin Bărcăuan |
 43' |
42'  |
Sorin Ioan Paraschiv |
Cornel Dănuț Frăsineanu |
 70 |
73'  |
Gabriel Boștină |
Giani Stelian Kiriță |
 78' |
- |
- |
Dan Alexa |
 79' |
- |
- |
The encounter pitting Dinamo, playing at home, against Steaua was underway at the close of the issue. The last few days brought some major changes in Dinamo's camp, with Cornel Dinu being replaced by Ioan Andone, formerly with Sportul Studențesc. In his first press conference since he took over the team, Dinamo's coach, Ioan Andone, told journalists that "At Piatra-Neamț, it could have been 3-0 or 4-0 at half-time, yet, the second half was an absolute flop. The team needs a leader who must have a relationship with the coach and the players and who is able to stop the decline, since it is not normal that the team collapsed after the first goal they had received. There needs to be a person who is listened to, since, if everybody talks, something else comes out altogether." Andone said. Speaking of his new players, Andone said that Florentin Petre had spoken in the name of his fellow team players, saying they are sorry that Cornel Dinu had been removed, since it is they, the players, who are to blame for the poor results. "Players say they are trained well, they are not tired but they complained about psychological problems and lack of communication and I will try to resolve this issue. Beginning this week, we will also bring a psychologist to the team." Andone also said. "I try to instill a certain meanness to players. It's a challenge to take over the team right now but I have taken a great deal of risks in my life. I can promise the fans that the players will die playing in the field. I have the all-clear from the entire management team to take any decision I deem necessary for the team. I know I will only be here as long as I produce results. Everybody expects something to change, it's normal to be so and I'm convinced that I have come up with something fresh. To play in European cups is a mirage for any player, and this is one of my goals." Ioan Andone said, adding that there would be some changes as of summer, yet, he would not know whether he would bring any player from Sportul. He also assured that thenceforth house rules would be complied with. "It's normal for players to have a good time, but within certain limits. If this is the reason why they show no energy in the field, then, they have to pay for it" Andone said. |
'Round 19 |
Divizia A |
Pd |
W |
D |
L |
F - A |
Pts |
1. |
Rapid București |
19 |
14 |
2 |
3 |
40 - 14 |
44 |
2. |
FC Național București |
19 |
10 |
3 |
6 |
32 - 19 |
33 |
3. |
Steaua București |
19 |
9 |
6 |
4 |
23 - 17 |
33 |
4. |
Dinamo București |
19 |
9 |
2 |
8 |
34 - 29 |
29 |
5. |
Gloria Bistrița |
19 |
8 |
5 |
6 |
23 - 17 |
29 |
6. |
FCM Bacău |
19 |
7 |
5 |
7 |
20 - 18 |
26 |
7. |
Astra Ploiești |
19 |
8 |
2 |
9 |
26 - 27 |
26 |
8. |
FC Brașov |
19 |
7 |
5 |
7 |
21 - 22 |
26 |
9. |
Oțelul Galați |
19 |
7 |
5 |
7 |
19 - 24 |
26 |
10. |
FC Farul Constanța |
19 |
8 |
2 |
9 |
21 - 29 |
26 |
11. |
Ceahlăul Piatra-Neamț |
19 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
29 - 25 |
24 |
12. |
FC Argeș Pitești |
19 |
6 |
4 |
9 |
21 - 26 |
22 |
13. |
Sportul Studențesc București |
19 |
6 |
4 |
9 |
23 - 29 |
22 |
14. |
Politehnica AEK Timișoara |
19 |
7 |
1 |
11 |
25 - 35 |
22 |
15. |
Universitatea Craiova |
19 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
18 - 26 |
21 |
16. |
FC UTA Arad |
19 |
5 |
2 |
12 |
18 - 36 |
17 |