At founding, the club was named "RGMT" and it started to play in the districtual championship of Timiș county.
In 1936, the team merged with "CAT" ("Clubul Atletic din Timișoara" - "Timișoara Athletic Club") and took its name. "CAT" was founded in 26 April 1902 and played mostly in districtual championship of Timiș county, with a few exceptions when it reaches superior stages of national championship (pre-divisional).
At the beginning of season 1940-1941 in Divizia A, due to the politics and to some suspicions of communist activities, the team, supported by workers' trade-unions, is relegated in Divizia B.
After WWII, "Chinezul" fused with "CAMT"; a period, the club was named "Chinezul-CAM Timișoara", then, from 1946, just "CAMT".
The last known official appearance was in B League in 1948-1949, when it demotes and dissapears.